Applied Phlebotomy Video Series: Basic Venipuncture (DVD)

Basic Venipuncture, 3rd Edition (2018)
(Based on CLSI standard GP41-A7)Learn the basic technique for drawing blood specimens by venipuncture according to the CLSI standards. Detailed demonstrations include performing venipunctures using tube holders, syringes and winged blood collection sets. Emphasis is placed on needlestick safety, proper patient identification, preventing patient injury, and obtaining specimens free from errors that can alter results. Includes written CE questions for in-house CE programs or for requesting P.A.C.E.® credit. This video qualifies viewers to obtain 1 unit of P.A.C.E. continuing education credit. (Additional fee applies.)
This video is a must-have for all those teaching and training any healthcare professional to draw blood according to today's industry standards.
Terri McElhattan, Program Director/instructor
Geisinger School of Phlebotomy
Basic Venipuncture is a very powerful training aide. It provides a brilliant visual demonstration of the requirements for accurate and safe venepuncture. I am very impressed.
Kay Loeser NE/RN3, Clinical Educator
SA Pathology, South Australia
Running time: 43 minutes
Terms of Use: View the License Agreement.
Online viewing: Consider the streaming option for instant access.
Quantity discounts: Click here for discounts on entire sets.
Closed Captioned by the National Captioning Institute.
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