In-House continuing education solutions for managers and educators who want to provide their staff and students with high-quality CE exercises, but don't need formal CE credit.
Blood Collector’s ATMs
(Abbreviated Teaching Modules)

Do you struggle every month to find good material to put in front of your specimen collection staff? Those days are over. Meeting your facility’s requirement for monthly continuing education is easy with our Abbreviated Teaching Modules (ATMs). Our ATMs are short articles on a wide variety of topics your collection staff should know. Simply distribute them to your staff, collect the answers to the accompanying quiz, grade, file, and get on with your day. Nursing departments and educational facilities will also find our ATMs helpful for increasing understanding of phlebotomy-related topics. Each ATM comes with an answer key. More info...
To the Point® CE Downloads
Our To the Point® continuing education series of booklets are now available as immediate downloads delivered right to your computer in pdf format. Although designed for users to obtain formal P.A.C.E.® credit, managers and educators can use the same material for in-house CEs (answer keys available upon request.)
Simply download the document using the link immediately provided when the online transaction is complete, distribute printed copies to your staff or students, and instruct them to record their answers to all corresponding test questions and submit the, to you for grading and filing. (Answer keys available upon request.) More...
Applied Phlebotomy Videos

All of our Applied Phlebotomy videos include access to a quiz to measure comprehension of the material to meet inhouse CE requirements. Answer keys available upon request.