Streaming Video: Mastering Pediatric Phlebotomy (annual subscription)

A studio-recorded lecture streamed online to your computer through the Phlebotomy Channel. What's the Phlebotomy Channel?
Note: this is for an annual subscription only. For one-time viewing, purchase the single-view license.
Running time: 46:30
Terms of Use: View the License Agreement.
Closed-captioned: by the National Captioning Institute
Prefer the DVD? Click here.
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This lecture discusses equipment and techniques to obtain high-quality specimens from pediatric patients. Topics include site considerations for infants and toddlers, skin-puncture safety, age-specific considerations, maximum volume considerations, proven strategies to calm anxious children, and a literature summary of pain reduction products and techniques. Includes access to CE questions for inhouse use. This video qualifies viewers to obtain 1 unit of P.A.C.E. continuing education credit. (Additional fee applies.)