Center's YouTube Channel on Steroids
A growing library of short, free-access training videos
by Dennis Ernst
The Center for Phlebotomy Education's YouTube channel is on steroids. We're up to 37 short clips on a wide variety of phlebotomy topics, all available for free. Over 12,000 subscribers strong, it has become YouTube's go-to channel for quick lessons and inspiration for all who draw blood samples for clinical testing. Here's just a partial list of the current titles available:
Nightmare on Phlebotomy Street - Update from our northern Michigan studio
- Why the standards matter
- The order of draw: why you MUST follow it.
- Mixing a blood sample
- Why physicians order blood cultures
- The revised venipuncture standard: will I see you in court?
- Pumping the fist: a really bad idea
- Getting hired as a phlebotomist without experience
- Did I just see you rip that safety shield off?
- The First Commandment of Phlebotomy
- Preventing hemolysis in the blood samples you draw
- Line draws and potassium results: mutually incompatible?
- Positioning pediatric patients
- Preventing iatrogenic anemia
- What impressions are you giving your patients?
- Is that tube full?
- How to prevent newborn screening cards from being rejected by the lab.
- How to draw blood using a tube holder
- How to perform a venipuncture using a syringe
- Performing a venipuncture using a butterfly needle
- How to perform a Modified Allen Test
- Proper patient identification: make no exceptions!
- Preanalytical Errors Real People Real Suffering.
Subscribe to the Center's YouTube channel.
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