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Summary of Recent Surveys

by Dennis Ernst

The Center for Phlebotomy Education often posts survey questions inviting readers and visitors to its website and Facebook page to participate, then publishes the results in the following issue of Phlebotomy Today-STAT! This month, we summarize responses from some of the more intriguing surveys conducted over the past 12 months. Topics include patient identification errors, policy violations, certification, reducing anxiety in patients, Lab Week activities and more. Links are provided to the archived issue of Phlebotomy Today-STAT! that discusses the survey results at length. 

Errors and Omissions

 Which of the 28 steps of a basic venipuncture are most commonly omitted, or performed incorrectly, where you work?

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Patient identification

What is your facility's policy on identifying patients prior to a blood draw? Do you always follow the policy?

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Pain & anxiety

What are you using to reduce the pain and anxiety of phlebotomy on pediatric and adult patients?



Read the complete survey results and commentary.



 Does your employer require phlebotomists to be certified?

If you are certified, which agency certified you?

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Would I recommend my profession?

 Would you recommend your profession to a friend or acquaintance?

If you would not recommend your profession, why not?

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Policy violations

 What policies where you work are commonly violated.

Limits to piercing, policies against vulgarity and offensive speech, policies assuring a safe work environment, and HIPAA policy violations were each reported to be common with 14 percent of respondents. Failure to wear gloves was cited by 4 percent.

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Tube labeling practices

Do you ever label tubes you didn't draw?

Of the tubes you draw yourself, do you ever label them away from the patient?

Do you ever label tubes before they are filled?

Should pre-collection labeling be allowed?

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


If I could enact a law...

What laws would you like to enacted for those who draw laboratory samples?

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


On my wish list

 What products and concepts do you wish would be developed to help you in your role as blood collection personnel?

Managers' top five:

  1. a device that eliminates hemolysis---73.7%
  2. a device that makes it impossible to misidentify a patient or mislabel a tube---68.4%
  3. a site prep solution that not only cleanses the site, but instantly anesthetizes the skin, making every blood draw painless---63.2%
  4. gloves that don't feel like I'm wearing gloves when I palpate for veins---57.9%
  5. a device that eliminates blood culture contamination---36.8%

Educators' top five:

  1. a device that eliminates hemolysis---88.9%
  2. a device or method that improves patient comfort and satisfaction---66.7%
  3. a device or feature that eliminates accidental needlesticks during phlebotomy---66.7%
  4. gloves that don't feel like I'm wearing gloves when I palpate for veins---66.7%
  5. a site prep solution that not only cleanses the site, but instantly anesthetizes the skin, making every blood draw painless---44.4%

Front line healthcare professionals' top five:

  1. a site prep solution that not only cleanses the site, but instantly anesthetizes the skin, making every blood draw painless---69.8%
  2. a device or method that improves patient comfort and satisfaction---56.6%
  3. gloves that don't feel like I'm wearing gloves when I palpate for veins---50.9%
  4. a device that reduces back strain caused by bending over to draw blood---45.3%
  5. a device that eliminates hemolysis---43.4%

Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Celebrating Lab Week

How did your facility celebrate the last National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week?

Of those whose facilities did celebrate Lab Week:

Among those employed at facilities that celebrated Lab Week:

 Read the complete survey results and commentary.


Summoning waiting patients

What practices are in place where you work for summoning patients from a waiting room, and confirming their ID once they arrive at the draw station?

Finally, we wanted to know if and how those who draw blood specimens confirm the tube was properly labeled after the draw, as required by the standards. Surprisingly, 22 percent did not verify the labeled tube. Two respondents said they only confirmed tubes used for transfusion testing. Of those who regularly confirm tubes are labeled properly, 21 percent compare the tube(s) with the patient's ID band, while 39 percent show the labeled tube to the patient for confirmation.

 Read the complete survey results and commentary.


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