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Survey Says: If I could pass a law...

by Dennis Ernst

Last month we asked visitors to our web site and Phlebotomy Today-STAT! readers what laws they would like to enact for those who draw laboratory samples. Then we turned the tables and asked what laws they would have patients abide by. Our wannabe legislators chimed in with 43 laws pertaining to those who collect blood samples. a full 21 percent of those laws would mandate certification for those who draw blood. Nine percent mandated a formal training program, and another nine percent would require continuing education. Just as many laws were proposed that mandated positive patient identification. Other laws include:

Turning the tables, those who participated in the survey proposed 31 laws that apply to patients.  Sixteen percent of those suggested were equivalent to "Do not move when the needle is in your arm." Other proposed laws include:

This month we're asking visitors to our web site and Phlebotomy Today-STAT! readers what process is in place where they work to summon outpatients from the waiting room and how the confirm patient identification once they're in the drawing chair.

Take the survey.

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