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Ten Commandments of Phlebotomy Poster

A laminated 16" x 20" poster graphically depicting 10
proposed “Commandments of Phlebotomy” in
full-color art. Updated to reflect the latest standard. Suitable for framing or posting in specimen
collection and/or processing areas. Posting these proposed “commandments” reinforces blood sample collection and handling practices that every healthcare professional should obey.
Commandments include:
- Thou Shalt Protect Thyself From Injury
- Thou Shalt Identify Thy Patients
- Thou Shalt Puncture the Skin at a Low Angle
- Thou Shalt Not Pierce Nerves
- Thou Shalt Mix All Tubes Properly and Immediately
- Thou Shalt Draw Only From Acceptable Sites
- Thou Shalt Label Specimens in the Presence of the Patient
- Thou Shalt Expect All Patients to Faint
- Thou Shalt Observe for Hematoma
- Thou Shalt Treat All Patients as if They Were Family