Empowered Healthcare Manager
by Dennis Ernst • February 13, 2018
Every month we run an excerpt from our editor's popular blog, The Empowered Healthcare Manager.
Seize the Moment
Today you have the power to:
- raise the bar;
- contain expenses;
- challenge your staff;
- improve sample quality;
- hire a promising applicant;
- turn a bad customer service experience around;
- take another step toward measurable process improvement;
- build a bridge between those in your laboratory who draw samples and those who test them;
- build a bigger bridge between the laboratory and nursing department;
- recognize an outstanding phlebotomist;
- encourage a mediocre employee.
Today you have the power to make healthcare a better place for people to work and for patients to get better. With your intense focus day-in and day-out on all of the above, don't lose sight of how incredibly profound it is to be where you are, and to be able to do all that you have been empowered to do.
There was a time when you had none of this. There will be a time when you will have none again.
Seize the moment.
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